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Writer's pictureWendy Levey

Black History Month is the perfect chance to educate your family!

Updated: Feb 9, 2021

Did you know that Madam C.J. Walker, as she was known, a Black woman born in 1867 to sharecroppers became an entrepreneur, activist and a philanthropist. She did all of this by designing and selling women's hair products!!

What other successful Black people do your children not know about? Amanda Gorman, 22 year old poet laureate who spoke at Biden's inauguration and also delivered a poem at Super Bowl LV? She celebrated the honorary captains of the game for their actions in lifting up "their communities and neighbors, healers and educators." in a poem called "Chorus of the Captains".

Or what about Henry Darby, a school principal in South Carolina who took a night job at Walmart to make extra money to give his students who have so little? His 3 basic driving forces for his school are: rigor, relationships and relevance.

There are so many past and present to learn about, so many ways to get our children to think about what might be, not what is not.

When do we need to do this education? Now!!!!

Find the right school to help, contact Wendy Levey Consulting, we've got this!

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