Now is the time we as educators, parents, mentors, schools and institutions need to change the tone and set the tone.
Schools and teachers need to think about the books and materials they use in the classroom, parents need to think about what toys and books you have in your home and how you talk to your children that will best reflect social justice. What are you reading to get more aware?
OR check out: or or or "Talking About Race: Smithsonian's National Museum of African American History and Culture or CNN/SesameStreetRacismTownHall
Many of us are blessed, many of us have been protected from racism, bias and injustice, but this is the time for all of us to respect the dignity of fellow human beings.
Choose the right school for this journey, contact Wendy Levey Consulting, we got this. We will help identify the right school for your family, or help with interviewing skills or essays, we will organize you and most of all, we will walk the walk, not just talk the talk.