Never has it been clearer that our children need to be in their schools working with trained faculties on the current painful, thorny issues, not limited to, but including racial inequity.
This is the time to listen carefully when others feel the dehumanizing effects of any kind of bias in their lives.
Martin Luther King, Jr. said, "Life's most persistent and urgent question is, 'What are you doing for others?'". It is never too early to talk to our children about social injustice.

Schools are the perfect places to share the responsibility with families and communities to work with the children to make the world a better place and stand together against racism and social injustice. So many schools have Directors of Diversity already in place to help with this work.
John F. Kennedy said, "Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past-or the present -are certain to miss the future." We need change, schools are uniquely equipped to start and lead those conversations and actions in a thoughtful and honest manner.

"Never, never be afraid to do what's right...Society's punishments are small compared to the wounds we inflict on the soul when we look the other way." --Martin Luther King, Jr.
All of this comes from different Independent School sites and represents the desire, ability and resources to work with their communities effectively.
Our children need to be around others, outside of family, to get different opinions and points of view and be guided by faculty to do the work of understanding and eliminating social injustice. We all need to work at responsibly using our education for the betterment of the community and not just for personal gain.
Make the right choice, give your child the gift of a stellar education, we can help you evaluate the options: Wendy Levey Consulting, We got this.
