While everyone has had the "opportunity" to home school, Zoom, Google Meet, virtually learn etc., it is clearer than ever the true value of teachers, education, curriculum and values.
School organizes children's minds and days, this is critical in order to be an active and engaged learner.
Children learn better with face to face contact and from someone who is NOT their parent.
Values are also important-family values, community values, friendship values. Being a member of a school group, be it academic, social, athletic or in the arts, instills important values.
Caroline Kennedy and her son Jack Schlossberg, John F. Kennedy's daughter and grandson, have launched the Profiles In Courage Award for COVID-19 heroes. How about nominating a teacher or someone else who you feel has done great work in the last few months to help others during COVID-19, for this award by using #COVIDcourage or go to jfklbrary.org/covidcourage.
Wendy Levey Consulting is available now to help with school assessments, essay writing, school choices, book lists and all things education! wendy levey.com