Whether you are planning a presentation or applying to schools, you will be more effective and more efficient if you have a system. A clear roadmap gives you the control, or at least some of it!
First, research: public, independent, gifted and religious school options. Look on line, talk to friends, read, find out what the options are.
Next, know your child. What kind of a learner are they? What schools will maximize their strengths and support their less well developed areas? What is a good school for your child?
Is location important? Is Co-ed important or Single Sex? Is some religion important? Is physical plant important? Is a plan for social equity in place ? Is Diversity important? Financial Aid?
Make a list of all those schools and then apply, most applications are available on line,. Public schools register in the spring before the year you want to begin. You need proof of living in that school catchment area, like a Con Ed bill.
Find out what the schools will need: photo, application fee, essay, testing or something else.
At the end of the day, choosing the right school for your child is one of the the most important things you can do as a parent. Research, assess, evaluate and always optionalize.
Contact Wendy Levey Consulting, for all things education, at wendylevey.com. We got this, whether you are a business or a family, we will help.